Hong Kong International Science Olympiad (HKISO) is an International Science Competition held annually around the world. It consists of 4 main categories: Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Integrated Science.
HKISO is for students from Grade 2 to Grade 12. It follows closely with Hong Kong School Science Syllabus and tests what students have learned on their level of content. This allows participants to well-prepare in different categories to know their strengths and weakness for preparation.
(write up came from HKISO’s website)
Here’s the list of Xaverians who secured wins in the competition:
Edison Ong (2C)
Hugo Miguel Ochoa (2C)
Isiah Emmanuel Ty (8A)
Alec Nathan Rongo (11A)
Cole Jonathan Dee (3C)
Caden William Lim (4A)
Spencer Stravis Chua (6A)
Albert Raul Munoz (4D)
Matthew Angelo Chang (4K)
Ethan Tyler Lim (8C)
Our top winners can represent the country at the Hong Kong or Singapore Rounds. Congratulations to our students for bringing this honor to our school! Luceat Lux!
Xaverians Secure Wins at HKISO Heat Round 2023

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