Both campuses of Xavier School started the new school year on June 20 using the HyfleXS model. Since the Department of Education requires one meter distancing in the classroom, less than 20 students in each class can report to school. In Xavier School, they are called the Roomies, while the rest of the class attends via Zoom as Zoomies. The necessary equipment and technology such as big screens, microphones, cameras, speakers, etc. are utilized to ensure student engagement, as much as possible, whether as Roomies or Zoomies. From Kinder to Grade 2, the special interactive, touch screen Imago Board is used for better interaction between the teacher and students in the HyfleXS set up.
Under the HyfleXS model, the Roomies and Zoomies alternate every week in reporting to school, while those with special circumstances can also choose to be Zoomies for the whole first term. Following the rules of the Department of Education, both vaccinated and unvaccinated students are allowed to report to school if they wish. This follows scientific findings worldwide that there is very little Covid transmission among minors, and the risk of the unvaccinated is the free choice of their families.
At the school gates, each student’s temperature is checked, after which, they tap their school ID and scan a QR code that serves as their daily health declaration form. The faculty and staff do the same, and this helps the school ensure that any one with flu-like symptoms or has had Covid exposure cannot report to school. Most students bring their own food to school, but the older ones can also buy food from the canteen using a cashless system (Gcash or Maya).
Signs of moving forward to the next normal have begun to emerge with more and more regular onsite activities taking place such as athletics, general assemblies, and campus tours, as well as traditional celebrations like the Mass for the Holy Spirit or the Red Mass. On June 22, Xavier School Nuvali opened the school year and celebrated its 10th anniversary with the traditional Mass of the Holy Spirit 圣神弥撒 while the main campus in San Juan had the Mass on June 29.
All faculty and staff have have been practicing the HyfleXS model since May and continue to familiarize themselves with the new set up. With the proper observance of health protocols, everyone is looking forward to a very productive, meaningful, and safe school year. To date, enrollment in the San Juan campus has reached 4,000 students, while the Nuvali campus has reached 1,460.