The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a lot of changes in the school life and other activities of our students. They have become quite inactive as movement has been drastically limited.
The Xavier School Athletics Department is offering online sports programs this summer. This will be a great opportunity for students to engage in physical activities this May; learn new skills, improve fitness levels, develop self-confidence and character and other positive traits that help them become well-rounded individuals in spite of being in quarantine.
These programs are designed and will be executed by Xavier School varsity coaches; all of them experienced in delivering quality content and activities.
All courses are also open to non-Xaverians, both boys and girls. Please send an email to and for further inquiries.
Registration Procedure:
1. Accomplish the online registration form here
2. Await payment instructions which will be sent to your registered email address.
3. Follow the instructions on remitting payment and sending proof of payment back to us.
4. You will then receive the registration confirmation as well as the Zoom link to the session/s you enrolled in.
The following conditions apply to all courses:
1. Slots are on First-Come-First-Served
2. All classes are subject to cancellation if the minimum number of enrollees is not reached.
3. No transfer or refund shall be allowed after the 2nd session has transpired.
4. Attendance is the responsibility of the enrollee or his/her parents. No make-up sessions shall be permitted except when the school cancels classes/activities.

This Post Has 4 Comments
Interested for my children.
Are these phyisical classes?
These are online classes with physical activities involved.
Really awesome Ideas You Have shared for the community, Thank you for sharing.